ADVANCED First quarter Ceramics Evaluation Due 03/30  

Name: Eric Golpe Period: 5

9: Tall form (cylinder) 3/11/2011


9.25: Wide form - 3/18/2011


___ Set of three - 3/5/2011


___ Wheel altered – 4/1/2011


8.5: extra  


You should have 7blog entries – one per week



You should have all these projects in a gallery – good quality photos with captions – size, date, name of assignment




In a quareter review blog please respond to this …




Please describe your efforts towards participation and leadership. Did you take care to clean well? Mention if you were attentive at the beginning of class every day.

 I try to keep my area clean so I can show other kids what they need to do. I also help clean other things so that the room does not look messy. I also try to point things out at people hoping they could do there part in cleaning.

How often do you use the pass?  Are you on task every day and all period? How social are you versus how much work do you do? How closely do you meet assignment deadlines?
Haven't used the pass this semester yet. I am on task every day always either throwing, footing, glazing or cleaning. I work more than I socialize. I meet deadlines about a day or 3 late.